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6" Straight Believer
Product ID 112001
Manufacturer Drifter Tackle
6" Straight Believer
The Believer has fast become one of the most famous pike lures available - and with good reason - its catch rate. It moves in sudden and unpredictable ways triggering strikes even from fish that have seen everything thrown at them before. The Believer is one of the most versatile lures available. Its unique shape and design combined with a deep (top) and shallow (bottom) eyelet allow this bait to be fished from the surface down to depths of 8Õ (245cm).

6" (15cm) Straight
Depth Casting
Depth Trolling
0' to 4'
(0cm to 120cm)
2' to 6'
(60cm to 180cm)
4' to 6'
(120cm to 180cm)
6' to 8'
(180cm to 240cm)

Retrieve the Believer slowly as a surface bait over thick vegetation, work it as a jerk bait or twitch bait over and through emerging weed growth or more traditionally, cast and deep troll it as a crank bait. Every method works as is borne out by its inclusion on most 'Top Ten Lures' lists that you will find.

This is the straight 6" (15cm) version which weighs 1.25oz (35g). Although this is the marketed weight rating for 6" (15cm) Straight Believers, we have weighed several of these baits (including the hooks) and 1.1oz (30g) is slightly more accurate. Each Believer comes with tuning instructions to make sure it runs straight and with a depth guide giving an indication of running depths all printed on the rear of the packaging insert.
Price: £17.49
20.74 EUR 21.37 USD
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